Quantum Computing vs Power Electronics

October 20, 2021

Quantum Computing vs Power Electronics

Welcome, readers! As we embark on our journey to compare Quantum Computing vs Power Electronics, it is essential to acknowledge that these two technologies work towards entirely different goals.

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing is a revolutionary technology that uses quantum-mechanical phenomena, like superposition and entanglement, to perform computation. It has enormous potential in solving complex problems that classical computers cannot.

According to an article by Morningstar, quantum computing can solve a problem with 300 qubits in roughly the same amount of time it would take a classical computer to solve a problem with just two bits. This difference highlights the enormous potential of quantum computing in solving complex computational problems.

Power Electronics

On the other hand, Power Electronics is a technology that deals with the conversion and control of electrical power. It uses semiconductor devices like diodes, transistors, and thyristors to control and regulate electrical power.

According to a report by Verified Market Research, the market for power electronics was estimated at USD 47.25 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 73.51 billion by 2028.


Comparing Quantum Computing and Power Electronics is like comparing apples and oranges. Both technologies have entirely different applications, but it is worth noting that quantum computing could lead to massive energy savings in the future.

A paper published in the Science journal suggests that quantum computing could help reduce global carbon emissions by optimizing and reducing the energy consumption of various processes.

However, it is worth noting that quantum computing is currently in its nascent stages and is yet to be commercialized. On the other hand, power electronics is an established field with significant market potential.


In conclusion, Quantum Computing and Power Electronics are two incredibly distinct fields with different applications and potential. However, both have significant potential in solving various problems and providing solutions that could benefit humanity.

We hope you enjoyed this comparison. Stay tuned for more exciting comparisons from Flare Compare.


  1. Quantum Computer Use Cases and Applications - Morningstar (source)
  2. Power Electronics Market Size, Growth, Trends, and Forecast - Verified Market Research (source)
  3. Quantum computing could reduce global carbon emissions - Science (source)

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